Two commemorative plates

Anonymous (Delft)

Item information

Two commemorative plates

Two commemorative plates inscribed 'Claas van Calker in Deventer 1755' and 'Jacob H en de Bolte'
Applied art
Historisch Museum Deventer

Reconstruction of provenance history

Vóór 1942-07
: Cohen family (collection), Deventer
: Museum inventory

: Purchased by the museum from Cohen family
: Museum inventory; 'Museum de Waag' in: De Koerier, 3 July 1942.

1942-07 <> heden
: Historisch Museum [nl]

Current restitution status

No requests

Research findings

No record remains identifying the Cohen family from whom the museum acquired these commemorative plates and why they parted with them.

The museum acquired these two commemorative plates in July 1942, purchasing them from a Cohen family of whom no initials or address was recorded. No further information exists in the museum regarding the sale price or reason for the sale. The museum has tried to trace the family's identity, without success.