Mizrach [nl]

Levie David van Gelder [nl]

Item information

Mizrach [nl]

Mizrach, Schenkingsnr. 1992 V 332 [nl]
HVK 10977
Jewish ritual objects
Veenkoloniaal Museum

Reconstruction of provenance history

Around 1970 <> 1992
Private collection, Veendam

? <> around 1970
Veenkoloniaal museum, Veendam

? <> circa 1970
: Veenkoloniaal museum, Veendam [nl]
: Inventaris museum; rapport Museale Verwervingen 1940-1948, Amsterdam 1999 [nl]

Circa 1970 <> 1992
: Particulier (collectie), Veendam [nl]
: Inventaris museum; rapport Museale Verwervingen 1940-1948, Amsterdam 1999 [nl]

: Donated to the museum by the private collector
: Museum inventory; Museum Acquisitions 1940-1948 report, Amsterdam, 1999

1992 <> heden
: Veenkoloniaal Museum [nl]

Current restitution status

No requests

Research findings

Who gave this mizrach to the museum and who the original owner was is no longer known.

Although this mizrach was already in the collection in the 1970s, when it was acquired is unclear. It is thought at the museum that the print originally hung in the synagogue in Veendam, which was demolished in the early 1950s. Scrutiny of photos of the interior has produced no further information. The print may have belonged to a private owner. The mizrach is listed in the Museum Acquisitions 1940-1948 report (Amsterdam 1999). The mizrach features Dutch translations of Hebrew texts illustrated with allegorical references to biblical stories about hope, strength and restoring faith.