
Francesco Xanto Avelli [nl]

Item information


T9 (KN&V)
Applied art
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

Reconstruction of provenance history

? (before 1954-09-21) < > 1994
Mr. J.W. Frederiks (collection), The Hague

1912 < > 1925-08-21 ?
: Eugen Gutmann [nl]
: Otto von Falke, Die Kunstsammlung Eugen Gutmann, Berlin 1912, Von Falke no. 221; G. Gronau, The Bachstitz Gallery collection = La Galerie Bachstitz, The Hague, The Bachstitz Gallery, c. 1921-1930, 43

? 1921 < > 1925-09-10
: Bachstitz Gallery, The Hague. On consignment
: RKD: Archive Bachstitz Gallery, inventory card no. 155; G. Gronau, The Bachstitz Gallery collection = La Galerie Bachstitz, The Hague, The Bachstitz Gallery, c. 1921-1930, 43

1925-09-10 < > ?
: Heirs Eugen Gutmann or Fritz Gutmann
: RKD: Archive Bachstitz Gallery, inventory card no. 155

? (vóór 1954-09-21) < > 1994
: Mr. J.W. Frederiks (collectie), Den Haag [nl]
: Archief Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen collectie Frederiks 632 [nl]

1994 < > heden
: Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (donation collection Frederiks to the municipality of Rotterdam)
: Archive Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen

Current restitution status

: 2018: This object is currently subject to a restitution claim, which the Municipality of Rotterdam has referred to the Restitutions Committee.

Research findings

It is not clear when and how the dish left the possession of the Jewish Gutmann family.

Since 1968, eleven maiolica objects have been in Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (first as a loan, since 1994 as a donation), which previously were in the collection of the German-Jewish banker Eugen Gutmann (1840-1925). After his death, the collection remained undivided and was held in joint ownership by his six children, amongst whom his son F.B.E. (Fritz) Gutmann, who managed the collection. Fritz Gutmann (who was granted Dutch nationality in 1924) resided with his family at the estate Huize Bosbeek near Heemstede, where he also amassed a sizeable art collection of his own. It is not known if these eleven objects were the property of the Gutmann heirs or of Fritz Gutmann, and when and how they changed ownership. In 1941 and 1942 Fritz Gutmann sold objects from the collection of Eugen Gutmann as well as his own collection to various German dealers, amongst whom Karl Haberstock and Julius Böhler, in order to finance his and his wife's escape from the Netherlands. In 1943 Fritz Gutmann and his wife were arrested by the Nazi's. They died in a concentration camp. The eleven maiolica objects were donated to the museum as part of the collection of Mr. J.W. Frederiks (1889-1962). It is not known when and how Mr. Frederiks acquired the eleven maiolica objects.