Koperen kandelaar


Reconstruction of provenance history

Current restitution status

No requests

In State possession

Na 05-05-1945

Reconstruction of provenance

: St. Annen Museum
: museum
: Lübeck
: Archief SNK nr.388, 666, 243; BAK B323/575; inventarisboek St. Annen Museum

Reconstruction of provenance

: Schröder, H.F.J.
: Lübeck
: Archief SNK nr.389, 666; 243; BAK B323/575; inventarisboek St. Annen Museum

Reconstruction of provenance

: Mogrobi, M.
: kunsthandel
: Amsterdam
: Archief SNK nr.388, 666, 243; BAK B323/575; inventarisboek St. Annen Museum

Item information


Koperen kandelaar
Toegepaste kunst
Geen verzoek (1960-01-01)