Stilleven met groenten en vaatwerk in boereninterieur In the corner of a barn, a number of objects and vegetables are arranged on the right in a niche and on and in front of a board attached to the wall: in the niche a brass candlestick, an earthenware jar and a grey cloth, on the board two glasses, a glass flask, a blue-patterned white earthenware jar and a white cloth. On the floor, more to the centre, are a red (preserving?) jar covered by a cloth, a white and green cabbage, a pumpkin (?), a string of red onions, some beets and a cardoon. On their right a brass pail and a fairly shallow round wooden vessel with an iron rod for a roasting-spit propped up against it; in addition an iron dripping pan and a round bowl (?) with a lid, two pewter plates and a skimmer. In the left background an open door, and a rake and other implements against the wall.