Er zijn geen of onvoldoende herkomstgegevens uit de periode 1933-1945 over dit object bekend. Na onderzoek zijn tot op heden geen bronnen gevonden die informatie over de herkomst kunnen geven. Daarom is er geen uitspraak te doen over mogelijk verdachte herkomst of mogelijk onvrijwillig bezitsverlies. [nl]
The provenance of this object is not complete between the years 1933 and 1940. It is not clear how, when and under which circumstances art dealer Katz, Dieren received this object. It is also not clear how, when and under which circumstances art dealer J. de Wit, Hilversum received this object. The Restitution Commitee has researched the transactions from art dealer Katz and has concluded there is no evidence to suggest this was involuntary.