Stilleven met wijnglazen, fruitschaal en vogels

Simons, M.


Stilleven met wijnglazen, fruitschaal en vogels

Stilleven met wijnglazen, fruitschaal en vogels
On a table partly covered by a grey cloth the following items can be seen from left to right: a lobster on a pewter plate, a rummer of white wine with a partly peeled cut lemmon in it, a cluster of red grapes on a branch, a flute glass partly filled with red wine, a blue-patterned porcelain or earthenware dish of apricots, peaches, reddish-purple plums, white and blue grapes. On the table are hazelnuts, a reddish purple plum, a tern (?), a godwit (?), a goldfinch, a kingfisher and other birds, and a green melon. There is a brownish grey curtain in the righthand half of the background, the lefthand half of which is of a neutral colour.
oude kunst

Reconstructie van de herkomstgeschiedenis

: Delaunoy, E.
: kunsthandel
: Amsterdam
: ICN inventariskaart; Archief SNK nr.857, 868; O. ter Kuile, Seventeenth-century North netherlandish Still Lifes, Den Haag/Amsterdam, 1985, p.172

: Hotel Frankfurterhof
: Frankfurt am Main
: ICN inventariskaart; Archief SNK nr.857, 868

In beheer gekomen bij het Rijk

Na 05-05-1945

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Archief SNK nr.857